One Million Lights has distributed over 69,143 solar lanterns in 30 countries across Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
Click on a map marker to see the number of lights delivered, photos from the location, and links to stories from the distribution. To highlight work conducted by our Global Ambassadors, the ambassador markers are shown in red. Projects actively fundraising through our website are shown in green. (Note: Selected projects displayed. Some date & location data are approximate.)
Read more about One Million Lights Active Projects.
Donations to One Million Lights are
100% tax deductible. |
Countries visited by One Million Lights programs: Afghanistan, Argentina, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Japan, Kenya, Liberia, Mozambique, Navajo Nation US, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.