Japan Earthquake Relief

Help send lights to clinics in Japan.

Last month’s 9.0 Tohuko Earthquake was the most powerful quake ever recoded in Japan.  To date, the disaster has resulted in 13,000 confirmed deaths, 4,600 injured, and another 15,000 missing.  As dams and power plants collapsed and electricity generators failed, 4.4 million Japanese households were left without electricity.   Many places where medical attention is needed are still without power.

Dr Enoch Choi, an urgent care physician and a leader in Haiti relief efforts in 2010, is organizing a group of doctors to help in Japan.  Send lights with Enoch to clinics in Japan, and give earthquake victims the medical attention they need.

Goal: $5,000 / Solar Lights: 200

Raised so far: $1,300 (updated 4/8/2011)
Still need: $3,700

Donate relief funds to earthquake victims today
