Roxana loves her new solar light

Roxana and her brother live in the village of Amaru, high in the Andes of Peru. They have only one small, dim, and unreliable light bulb in their home. So the children study in the early mornings and by fire light in the evenings. Their little patch of land supplies them with enough food throughout the year and then some, the excess they share with the community. They drink water from the stream behind their hut that is gushing ice cold water from the melting snow in the Andes.  In the evening, the family gathers in the tiny room that serves as their kitchen and dining room. It is the only room in the house that is warm. As the sun sets, the temperature rapidly drops to zero degrees outside. It is also pitch dark by 6:00pm. Now that Roxana has a solar light from One Million Lights, she loves to spend the evenings reading.

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