Bring One Million Lights to your School
When your school takes the One Million Lights Challenge, kids learn that they can make a difference!
Concept: A school-wide learning experience and fundraiser with One Million Lights that will challenge students to come together and support a cause that positively impacts children’s education, rural communities, the environment, and health.
What: Students, teachers, and parents learn about the need for clean and affordable lighting in the developing world and then work together to raise funds to send solar lights to students in the developing world. Yours students will help kids in the developing word to study and have a better chance at fighting poverty.
Why: This experience, when integrated into the classroom, becomes a fun way for students to learn about kids in developing regions, solar energy, what it means to serve others in need, teamwork, and just how much of an impact elementary students can have on the world!
To get started: Check out our getting started doc here (pdf) and our academic lessons page.
Let us know you’d like to organize a One Million Lights Challenge at your school! Email us at [email protected]. We will make sure you have the right materials to get started, we will work together to choose a location in the world where your lights will go, and we may even be able to visit your school to kick off the challenge.